Why Weight Training is for Everybody!

Have you ever heard someone say "I won't do weight training it'll make me big and muscly" or "Weight training just isn't for me"?

Well sadly I'm here to tell you weight or resistance training is not only just for you but for everybody! No matter your age, gender, body type or goal I would recommend resistance training for every single human on this earth. Now I'm not talking about becoming an Olympic lifter or trying out for the world's strongest person, I mean a structured weight training program doing functional movements and simply putting force through your muscles and joints.

The reason resistance training is for everybody is because of the many benefits it will provide your body now and into the future. Especially with the world of convenience we now live in we have never used our bodies less, so our muscles and joints simply aren't being used effectively.

Here are just 6 main benefits that a structured weight training program will provide your body immediately.

  1. Joint and Muscle Strength: As we age our muscle mass and joint strength decrease exponentially if we aren't using our body adequately. By doing some simple weight bearing exercises our muscles won't lose mass and we will gain strength while also gaining strength and mobility in our joints which also decreases our chance of osteoporosis.

  2. Bone density: Also as we age our bone density will decrease, the only way we can physically change that is by doing resistance training and putting force through our muscles and joints. It will also decrease and reverse your chances of getting osteoporosis.

  3. Improved Mobility: Today we live such sedentary lives and rarely use our muscles to their full capacity. Doing functional weight training exercises is perfect for your mobility, it will use a muscle to it's full range of movement how it was intended to be used.

  4. Increased Metabolism: The higher lean muscle mass a human has the more energy the body needs to use to fuel those muscles and feed them. Therefore by building our muscle mass we naturally increase our bodies base metabolic rate and will naturally burn more calories in a day.

  5. Improved balance and stability: By building strength in our muscles and joints will also naturally improve our balance and stability in our joints and will prevent things like falls, injuries and bone breaks as we age.

  6. Improved posture: By building the strength in our muscles in our body it also helps our body to stand and sit correctly and therefore improves our posture. This will certainly help anyone with lower back pain, tight shoulders or any injuries.

Again you don't need to be an Olympic lifter to start weight training, simple body weight exercises, rubber resistance bands or even swimming is a perfect way to start putting force and resistance through those muscles and joints.


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