4 easy tips to help with that lower back pain!

Today as humans we have never lived such sedentary lives, we now live in the world of convenience where convenience is king. We literally don't even need to leave our homes with food delivery, online shopping delivery and the ability to get any service straight to your front door. And add to that the current lock downs due to this pandemic all means our bodies simply aren't being used and we are sitting down too much, usually not in the most ergonomic position.

Sadly the human body wasn't designed to be in the seated position in a chair, we were made to move and walk freely, squat, bend over and lie down to sleep. So today as we sit in our office chairs or slouch on the couch it is putting pressure through our hips and therefore making our hamstrings and lower back tight. All of this accumulated only creates poor flexibility which inevitably leads to lower back pain which can be a chronic and life long issue.

So the key to looking after our flexibility and lower back is staying mobile and using our muscles and joints how they were created to be used. Here are 4 tips to prevent or even look after that lower back pain today and into the future.

  1. Stay Mobile - If too much sitting is one of the causes of lower back pain than getting mobile on your feet is the first antidote. It's obviously hard if you're working all day but setting an alarm each hour to make sure you get up out of your chair and move is better than nothing and if you have the ability of getting a few more steps in by parking the car further away from the office to start and finish your day by moving.

  2. Exercise Daily - Just like staying mobile setting a daily routine of exercise will help use your body effectively. Whether you start or finish your day with exercise it will not only be positive for your flexibility and body but also your mental health after a long day at work.

  3. Stretch - A simple 10 minute routine of daily stretching will greatly improve your mobility and assist any other aches and pains in muscles and joints that you might have and greatly improve that lower back pain moving forward.

  4. Strengthen your muscles - Regular resistance training will also improve mobility and strengthen joints and muscles to hold your body in it's correct posture like sitting upright in a chair without slouching.

Sadly you will never get to a point where you a flexible enough that you can stop focusing on that flexibility because unfortunately with the human body if you don't use it you lose it. So I encourage you to take these simple habits and build them into your daily and weekly routine and your lower back and body will thank you.


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